TfrmWizard.Label17=BitSpirit v2.0 has successfully made some extensions to BitTorrent which are fully compatiable with current BitTorrent protocol, and it offers you some useful features such data compression, reverse connection, connection sharing, etc.
TfrmWizard.cbBitSpirit=Enable BitSpirit Extensions in all jobs.
TfrmWizard.cbBSGzip=Enable GZIP Data compression
TfrmWizard.cbBSGoods=Enable Goods in all jobs.
TfrmWizard.cbBSMarket=Add jobs to Torrent Market as My Goods.
TfrmWizard.Label38=Note: UPNP support is required only if you are located in a LAN network and your router is UPNP-Enabled such as Windows XP's ICS or some DSL/Cable Modem).
TfrmWizard.Label39=You can click the '═αΘ≥Φ ≤±≥≡εΘ±≥Γε UPNP' button to determine whether you have a UPNP-Enabled router or not.